This is a fun little project that was sent to us. We were asked to take a mini rod pulling tractor and make it look like a 1948 Silver King Tractor.
We wanted to build a TV Stand that we thought would be the Ultimate Gear Head’s TV Stand. This stand turned out to be a hit at any party or car show.
Every car guy is proud of their vehicle, and they like to show off the work that was done, what better than to have a Picture Podium so display their restoration. This is a custom podium that we built.
When we go to car shows and big automotive events we like to take a golf cart to save our feet from all the walking, so we put together a custom Club Car Golf Cart.
The SPLMAX CUP trophy was built for Sam Horn president of SPLMAX. The SPLMAX CUP is a points championship trophy to award the best car audio Bass Racer in the United States for 2008.
The Halo 2 Game Stands were built for Sam Horn of We built 4 game stands which held 20 inch LCD monitors, XBOX, and Surround Sound.
Panyard Inc. is the leader in steel drums. With the extensive time in hand forming their lead drum, Panyard came to us to see if we had any ideas for them. We ended up making them a mold for their lead drum so their formers wouldn’t have to take as much time measuring the form of the head.